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LW951 - Doctor of Philosophy in Law (Ph.D)

This programme intends to train candidates to develop some conceptual and analytical capabilities in the field of law through a  rigorous examination of an original study to be conducted under the supervision of a supervisor from the faculty. At the end of the programme, candidates are required to submit a thesis not exceeding 100,000 words and go through a viva voce successfully.

Admission Requirements

Applicant must have a recognised Master degree in Law with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 3.00 or equivalent.

Application must be accompanied by a written research proposal in the required format.

Candidates are required to undergo an interview with the Faculty’s Postgraduate Committee.

Mode and Duration

Full Time:     3 years (minimum) – 5 years (maximum)
Part Time:    6 yrs


Tuition Fee per Semester





Social Science and Humanities




Area of Research

•    Intellectual Property Law
•    Information Technology Law
•    Public International Law
•    Maritime and Shipping Law
•    Criminology and Criminal Justice
•    Comparative Corporate Law
•    Computer Crimes
•    Public Law and Public Interest Law
•    Commercial Law
•    Islamic Criminal Law
•    Administrative Law
•    Constitutional Law
•    Environmental Law
•    Family Law

The above listed areas are only an indicative list of areas that could be offered. With UiTM’s vast resources in 24 growing faculties, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary studies can easily be accommodated.

Malaysian Qualifications Register


Guidelines for International Applicants

PhD Program - Applicant must have a Master’s Degree in a relevant field of study from a university recognized by the University Senate and the Malaysian Government. [Certain programmes may have other requirements stipulated by the Faculty]

English Language Proficiency - All international applicants from non-English speaking countries applying for postgraduate studies in UiTM are required to show proof of English language proficiency as follows:

certificate with a score of at least

- 550 for (paper based), or

- 213 (computer based), or

- 79-80 (IBT), or

certificate with at least Band 6.0