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Research Grants (January-June 2020)
Geran Penyelidikan Lestari Kursi Institusi Raja-Raja Melayu

Kedaulatan Raja Raja Melayu Melangkaui Peruntukan Perlembagaan Persekutuan Implikasinya ke atas Sistem Raja Berpelembagaan di Malaysia.

Principal Researcher: Dr. Nur Ezan Binti Rahmat

Members: Dr. Norazlina Binti Abdul Aziz, Mazlina binti Mohamad Mangsor & Ainul Hafiza binti Zainudin

Lestari Grant: Taman Negara Scientific Expedition II
Legal Impact of Orang Asli Indigeneous Knowledge in Land Planning and Environment Decision Making Process: A Case Study of Orang Asli in Taman Negara Pahang

Principal Researcher: Dr. Siti Sarah Sulaiman

Members: Dr. Nur Ezan Rahmat, Nurus Sakinatul Fikriah Mohd Shith Putera & Inna Junaenah

Journal Articles (Scopus/ WoS/ ERA)
  1. Idris, S.H., Abdul Majeed, A. B., Chang, L. W. (2020). Beyond Halal: Maqasid al-Shari’ah to Assess Bioethical Issues Arising from Genetically Modified Crops. Science and Engineering Ethics. (Scopus Q1)
  2. Abu Bakar, M.H., Abdul Manap, N., Mohamed Isa, F. (2020). Money. Money, Money: Monopoly Issues in Collecting Society. International Journal of Business and Society, Vol. 21 S1, 110-125. (Scopus Q3)
  3. Zulkifli, Z.N., Idris, S.H., Abdul Rahman. N. (2020). Covid-19 Anxiety: Malaysian Regulatory Mechanisms on Mental Health. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7s), 2472-2477. (Scopus Q3)
  4. Mohamad Hashim, H. N., Mohd Yusof, A.N., Abdul Rahman, N. (2020). The Evidentiary Aspects of Medical Apology in Malaysia. Journal of South India Medicolegal Association, 1(12), 45-51. (Scopus Q4)
  5. Wan Rosli, W.R., Kamaruddin, S., Hamin, Z. (2020). A Legal Intervention in Combatting Terrorism and Violent Extremism in Malaysia. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 12(1), 104-114. (Scopus Q4)
  6. Idris, S.H., Rosa Ristawati. (2020). Food Security of Genetically Modified Crops: The Roles of the States in Malaysia and Indonesia to Protect Farmers’ Rights. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(5), 963-970. (Scopus Q4)
  7. Mohamad Hashim, H.N., Mahmood, A. (2020). A Survey on Statutory Reform for the Right to Impart Public Sector Information in Malaysia. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 9(12), 722-734. (ERA)
  8. , Z., N., Idris, S., H., & Abdul Rahman, N. (2020). Covid-19 Anxiety: Malaysian Regulatory Mechanisms on Mental Health. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7s), 2472-2477. (Scopus Q4)
  9. Idris, S., H., Abdul Rahman, N. (2020). Pushing the Boundaries of Tortious Liabilities for Genetic Contamination of Genetically Modified (GM) Crops: The Challenges and Regulatory Measures. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 2369-2374. (Scopus Q4)
  10. Kamaruddin, S., Wan Rosli, W.R., Abd Rani, A.R. (2020). When Love is Jeorpardised: Governing Online Love Scams in Malaysia. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(6), 391-397. (Scopus Q4)
  11. Hamin, Z., Wan Rosli, W., R. (2020). Whither the Protection for Cyberstalking Victims? Some Evidence from Malaysia. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 5 No. SI1 (2020): Jun, Special Issue No. 1. CSSR 2017 Malacca, 06-07 Dec 2017, pg: 53-58.
  12. Sulaiman, S., S., Rahmat, N. E., Azizun, N. (2020). Legal Isssues and Challenges in managing Kuala Lumpur as a Tourism Destination: A Case Study of the Silang Street. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 5 No. SI1 (2020): Jun, Special Issue No. 1. CSSR 2017 Malacca, 06-07 Dec 2017, pg: 205-210.
  13. Hashim, H., N., M., Mahmood, N., Zain, F., M., Suhaimi, N., S. (2020). Modalities to Address Legal Impediments to the Citizen’s Right to Impart Public Sector Information. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, Vol. 5 No. SI1 (2020): Jun, Special Issue No. 1. CSSR 2017 Malacca, 06-07 Dec 2017, pg: 211-217.
  14. Onn, J., C., Khalid, A. (2020). Securing Proprietary Rights for Buyers of Uascertained Fungible Goods in a Bulk in Malaysia. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, Vol. 5 No. SI1 (2020): Jun, Special Issue No. 1. CSSR 2017 Malacca, 06-07 Dec 2017, pg: 219-223.
  15. Hamin, Z., Othman, M., B., Abdul Rani, A., R. (2020). Sticking to the Old Ways in the Plea-bargaining Process: Some Evidence from Malaysia. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, Vol. 5 No. SI1 (2020): Jun, Special Issue No. 1. CSSR 2017 Malacca, 06-07 Dec 2017, pg: 225-230.
Other Journals
  1. Walker, C., Masood, U. H. (2020). Domestic Law Responses to Transnational Cyberattacks and other Online Harms: Internet Dreams Turned to Internet Nightmares and Back Again, Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law, 10(1).
  2. Othman, M. F., Rahmat, N.E. (2020). Is Educational Right of Children with Disabilities in Malaysia Protected? International Journal for Studies on Children, Women, Elderly and Disabled, Vol.9, 17-22.
  3. Zuallcobley, R. W., Awang Nik, M. Z. (2020). Safeguarding Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Tradition While Promoting Sustainable Tourism, Asian Journal of Arts, Culture and Tourism, 1(2), 22-25.
  4. Abu Bakar, N., Sulaiman, S. S. (2020). A Revisit on The Appeals Heard by The Selangor Appeal Board: Is Justice Heard A Justice Served? International Journal of Law, Government and Communication, 5 (18),12-18. DOI:10.35631/IJLGC.518002
  5. Abdul Rahman, N., Mohamad Mangsor, M., Ismail, I. (2020). Women and Children at Risk: Legal Challenges of the Potential Threat that In Vitro Fertilisation Technology Poses to the Society in Malaysia. International Journal for Studies on Children, Women, Elderly and Disabled, Vol. 9, 40-46.
  6. Muhammad Umar Abdul Razak, Nurus Sakinatul Fikriah Mohd Shith Putera & Mazlina Mahali. “Board of Directors’ Reliance on Information Provided by Artificial Intelligence: Legal and Evidential Challenges in Malaysia.” Current Law Journal (CLJ), [2020] 1 LNS(A) xlv.

Book/ Chapter in Book

  1. Ganti Shaari, M. N. (2020). Persepsi Campur Tangan Politik Dalam Kes-Kes Rasuah dan Korupsi, in Koswara, D, Hadin, A. F., Redhani, M. E. (Eds.), Korupsi, Pemilu dan Sumber Daya Alam: Problem dan Tantangan di Indonesia, Yogjakarta: Genta Publishing, 67-76.
  2. Gee, L. H. (2020). The Exhaustion Defence to Trademark Infringement and Parallel Importation in Malaysia, in Liu, K.C. (Ed.), Annotated Leading Trademark Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions, Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group, 142-154.
  3. Mangsor, M., M. (2020). Peguam Mulanya Di sini, in Inovasi NLP Pelonjak Prestasi Diri, Akademi NLP Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., 209-216.
  4. Tunku Intan Mainura Tunku Makmar Nizamuddin, Azni Mohd Dian & Siti Nuramani Abdul Manab (2020). Malaysian Legal System: Questions and Answers, Sweet & Maxwell (Thomson Reuters).
  5. Zulkarnain, S., H., Rozianne, A., Ibrahim, I. (2020). 10 Panduan Asas Beli Rumah. Percetakan Malaha.
  6. Abdul Mu’iz Abdul Razak (Technical Committee and Case Commentator) & Shahrizal Mohd Zain (Case Commentator), (2019) CIDB Construction Law Report 2018: Summary of 2018 (Written Judgments & Lessons Learnt), CIDB Malaysia.

Conference Proceeding

  1. Rahmat, N.E., Atkin, B., Armstrong, S., Othman, M.F. (2020). The Practice of Family Mediation in Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand: A Comparative Analysis. The 10th Putrajaya International Conference on Children, Women, Elderly and Persons with Disabilities: Responding to Contemporary and Future Challenges, 32-42, ISBN: 978-967-17094-1-2.